Burt has grown to be one of B’s best friends. Even when we are a state away, many of the daily conversations in our family revolve around Burt or his mom. B idolizes him, and wants to hang out with him every second he gets.
Many times I will walk down to Burt’s house with the boys just to chat with his mom. She and I will sit on the porch visiting while Burt, B, and BX will skateboard/scooter up and down the boardwalk. Sometimes this will last for hours. Sometimes we make 2 or 3 trips down to their house in one day.
During B’s fall parent-teacher conference his teacher brought up “B’s best friend Burt”. The entire class knows about Burt, and his mom, and his best friend Jimmy.
Mrs C: B is really excited to go to the beach this weekend.
Me: Yes. It is his favorite place.
Mrs C: I can tell. It is all he talks about. The beach and his best friend Burt.
Me: Oh yes, Burt.
Mrs. C: I think it’s great that the boys can play while the boys play. B said Burt is teaching him how to surf.
Me: Wow. You know a lot about him.
Mrs. C: The whole class talks about Burt. Everyone knows who he is. B mentioned Burt might come visit one day. He is welcome to join us in class as a special guest.
Me: Ok. Um, I’m not really sure …
Mrs C: I can put together some work for him, and we can make him student of the day.
Me: What? Wait. What? How old do you think Burt is?
Mrs C: (blank look on her face) Isn’t he in 3rd grade?
Me: Burt is 35.
Mrs C: Excuse me?
Me: Burt is 35 years old.
Mrs C: But …
Me: Thirty. Five.
Note: Thank you to Burt and his amazing mom for making my boys feel so loved, and for continually putting up with them screaming in front of your house. You are their hero, and I appreciate your patience and kindness more than you will even know.