
Panels & Workshops

The Broken Drift Team is dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering growth within the entertainment community. Through our commitment to artist education and support, we collaborate with industry professionals and performers to offer invaluable educational content.

Our mission is simple: to provide fresh perspectives and practical knowledge through engaging panels and workshops, ensuring that our community stays ahead of industry norms and remains relevant in a constantly evolving landscape.

We owe much of our success to the generosity of our industry friends and performers who have graciously volunteered their time to help us give back to the art community. Their contributions empower us to continue providing meaningful opportunities for growth and development.

Broken Drift Productions prides ourself in the support of artistic endeavors. Explore past workshops and panels below to embark on a journey of creativity and learning.

Guide & Workbook

This Guide & Workbook provides valuable insights, exercises, and practical advice for supporting comics.

This guide is for you if you’re looking for practical advice on:

  • How to write a booking email
  • Self promotion and setting yourself apart
  • Navigating relationships with bookers & owners
  • Professionalism & etiquette in the Comedy Club
  • Tips for success at comedy festivals
  • Unleashing your creativity and stand up beyond the stage
  • The benefits of hosting
  • And more!

Industry Panels

Explore and discover invaluable tips for life on the road, gain insider advice from your favorite bookers, and delve into a wealth of Industry professional knowledge. The Broken Drift collection of panels offers practical advice and inspiration to fuel your career.

Networking Blogs

In the world of comedy, relationships are just as important as the punchline, and our posts aim to explore this fascinating intersection. We dive into the intricacies of networking in the comedy industry, offering insights and advice on how to navigate this dynamic landscape. Whether you’re an aspiring comedian, a seasoned professional, or simply a fan of humor, join us as we delve into the humorous side of networking, and learn how laughter can truly be the best connector.

April 2024

Comedy Festivals 101


Roast Workshop with Pat Barker


June 2024

Hosting 101 Workshop


July 2024

Business of Comedy Workshop


October 2024

Get Booked... and Re-Booked Workshop
